06 - Naked, Red lipsticks, Passionate Masturbation
Lesbian love affairs
Homosexual sex capades
Welfare lines
Pornographic pictures of myself
Melody moans
Tattoo taboos
Cigerette burns
Whores whine
Emotional discombobulation
If a man won't listen,oral communication always worked for me
Prostitute leggings
Slut sex
Torn image
Little girls doodling while the sermon is presiding
Shaved head
Chipper fingernail polish
Vagina blues
Sexually motivated
50%water 50%alcohol
Breasts infatuate me to say the least
Broken condom wrappers
Unappreciated art
This is what consists of the city mental
Sent by iPhone
Porsha R Wakefield
Homosexual sex capades
Welfare lines
Pornographic pictures of myself
Melody moans
Tattoo taboos
Cigerette burns
Whores whine
Emotional discombobulation
If a man won't listen,oral communication always worked for me
Prostitute leggings
Slut sex
Torn image
Little girls doodling while the sermon is presiding
Shaved head
Chipper fingernail polish
Vagina blues
Sexually motivated
50%water 50%alcohol
Breasts infatuate me to say the least
Broken condom wrappers
Unappreciated art
This is what consists of the city mental
Sent by iPhone
Porsha R Wakefield
This is intense very sexual you express yourself openly. If we wrote a poem 2gether about sex it would be my first time actually trying it. But I think I can because Im a freak 2 LOL
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